First Service (Deep Cleaning) X Regular service

Author: Mock Webware |

We usually say that cleaning is a process. For every First Cleaning, we say it’s a Deep Cleaning. We do not know your home yet, we do not know how it’s been cleaned and how regularly. We give estimates of time based on the size, but each home is different.

Some homes are smaller but messier, as the other way around. We try our best to do the best on the First Cleaning, but in some cases your home will need few cleanings before it looks it's best. The more frequent our team visit your home, the better it will look, and less time we’ll take to get the job done.

The First Cleanings usually takes longer, but if the cleaning is not maintained until next visit we might spend same time or even more on the following cleanings. It’s very important that you understand we are not promising miracles, but we try our best and hard every time to provide a healthy environment.

Regular Cleanings are basically a maintenance service of the First Time deep cleaning from our first visit.,However, we also advise that at least every 6 months you book a Deep Cleaning, so the maintenance and quality of the service keeps on the standard.


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